

Cow Creek Meat Inc.
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About Us
We are the Arreche Family, Jon, Kelsey, Rylee and Lane and we are Cow Creek Meat.

We own and operate a hay and livestock ranch just outside of Cedarville. We like to control all aspects of our farm and everything that is put into the ground and crops. We raise alfalfa, grass, and grains with organic principles in mind, fertilizing with manure that is collected from our own animals and composted down. We also supplement with gypsum and chicken manure, both natural products to allow our crops to have the proper nutrients to thrive.

We also raise our own livestock and finish them out, offering the meat for local sales as well as shipping to doorstep. We started this journey because we wanted people who did not have the area to finish out their own home raised animals to still have access to high quality meats that were raised transparently. Some of the livestock that we raise are cattle, sheep, chickens (for egg laying and meat), and have recently started to finish pigs. We appreciate the heritage breeds and like to breed them where we can. Our animals are fed with organically raised, non-gmo feeds when sourced as well as all of the crops that we raise on our farm. That way we can control everything that goes into our animals. Should we need anything to supplement, we like to locally source.

We enjoy raising our livestock and truly care about them from start to finish and are proud of the end product that we can offer to the public. Thank you for all of the support that we have received so far. We are very grateful to all of you.

The farm has primarily been used to raise alfalfa and grain hay for cattle and California dairies and to harvest flour-grade grains for human consumption. We are now raising homegrown Angus cattle, Dorper sheep, and Delaware and Ginger broiler heritage breed poultry for harvest. We also have a variety of laying hens for egg sales. The cattle and sheep are raised on pasture, supplemented with high quality alfalfa, and finished with non-GMO grains. The heritage breed poultry, as well as laying hens, are raised with as much access to pasture as they please, fed fermented non-GMO feed, and also supplemented with homegrown fodder out of non-GMO locally-sourced seed or from our own harvested grains. We are fortunate enough to be able to grow and harvest grains to feed to our livestock. And if we cannot supply our livestock with something, we source products locally.

On the hay fields we use organic materials to fertilize, such as gypsum and chicken manure, and perform farming techniques to rid the crop of noxious weeds and to help with soil erosion. While pasturing the cattle, the fields are never overgrazed. The livestock are rotated around so that the soil doesn’t become impacted and the native grasses are not overly stressed, allowing for regrowth. The manure in the pastures is drug and spread to allow nutrients back into the soil.