
Runner Duck Ranch
Contact: Barbara Howe and Chris Collins
Address: 170 TROUBLE VALLEY ROAD Alturas, CA, 96101
Phone: 530-245-1269
About Us
We have a beautiful 20-acre property in Lower Thom’s Creek Estates with Thom’s Creek running right through the meadow right behind our house. Our address is 170 Trouble Valley Road, Alturas, CA 96101. Duck & Goose eggs. Our geese lay white eggs while our ducks lay white, green, and blue eggs. We have 2 female African Geese, 1 male African Gander (our security alarm!), 13 Indian Runner Ducks (blue, black, chocolate and fawn), a mated pair of Khaki Campbells and 2 Welsh Harlequins (the hatchery sent them to us by mistake!) They do their best to keep up with the Runner Ducks but they are always running behind. They are fed non-GMO feed and commonly organic laying pellets.
We moved to Modoc County in February of 2022. The property used to support over 100 goats, but we are removing the fencing to allow wildlife unencumbered access to the creek and the meadows. Of course, our ducks and geese LOVE the creek and play, eat and bath in it happily for hours.
We moved to Modoc County in February of 2022. The property used to support over 100 goats, but we are removing the fencing to allow wildlife unencumbered access to the creek and the meadows. Of course, our ducks and geese LOVE the creek and play, eat and bath in it happily for hours.
Livestock feed inputs include:
☑Conventional feed Brand(s) : Farmer's Best Crimped Oats (GMO oats do not exist), Farmer's Warehouse, Keyes, Ca
☐ Certified non-GMO feed Brand(s)
☑ Certified organic feed Brand(s): Modesto Mill Organic Layer Pellets, Modesto, CA
☑ Kitchen scraps
☑ Garden waste
☑ Grassland or rangeland forage
☑ Other (please specify): Wild Bird Seed and mealworms/soldier fly larvae
Our hens, ducks and geese spend all day outside doing whatever they please, eating grass, swimming in the creek, dirt-bathing, nabbing insects and anything else they choose.
They are put up at dark into a run in the summer and into a coop at night in the winter, which is insulated and heated with ceramic lamps if needed.
☑Conventional feed Brand(s) : Farmer's Best Crimped Oats (GMO oats do not exist), Farmer's Warehouse, Keyes, Ca
☐ Certified non-GMO feed Brand(s)
☑ Certified organic feed Brand(s): Modesto Mill Organic Layer Pellets, Modesto, CA
☑ Kitchen scraps
☑ Garden waste
☑ Grassland or rangeland forage
☑ Other (please specify): Wild Bird Seed and mealworms/soldier fly larvae
Our hens, ducks and geese spend all day outside doing whatever they please, eating grass, swimming in the creek, dirt-bathing, nabbing insects and anything else they choose.
They are put up at dark into a run in the summer and into a coop at night in the winter, which is insulated and heated with ceramic lamps if needed.